Food & Clothing Assistance

Food Pantries

Catholic Charities operates food pantries in Charlotte, Asheville, and Winston-Salem.

Please call the local office for an appointment at least 24 hours in advance.


1123 S. Church Street
Charlotte, NC 28203

Phone Number: 704-370-3262 or text “FOOD” to 704-268-9821.

Hours: Tuesday – 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM; Thursday – 1:00 – 3:00 PM


50 Orange Street
Asheville, NC 28801

Phone Number: 828-255-0146

Hours: Wednesday – 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM


1612 East 14th Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27105

Phone Number: 336-727-0705

Hours: Thursday – 9:00 – 11:00 AM

Infant & Toddler Clothing

Catholic Charities offices in Lenoir, North Wilkesboro, and Winston-Salem operate Wee Care Shoppes, which provides free infant and toddler clothing and varied supplies to families and children in need. Clothing is available in sizes up to 2T. Staff and volunteers help participants with selecting clothing and supplies, including diapers, baby wipes, baby bottles, and blankets.

Wee Care assistance starts with a phone call. Call to schedule an appointment for item(s) to be picked-up in Lenoir, North Wilkesboro, or Winston-Salem. If a voicemail message is reached, please leave name, phone number, and home city. 

The addresses and phone numbers of our Wee Care Shoppes are:

Lenoir: 328-B Woodsway Lane NW (on the grounds of St. Francis of Assisi Church). Phone number: 828-434-5710

North Wilkesboro: 201 Tenth Street. Phone number: 828-434-5710

Winston-Salem: 1612 E. 14th St. NE. Phone number: 336-727-0705

Donate to a Wee Care Shoppe

This ministry partners with other people and organizations and relies heavily on donations.  Catholic Charities welcomes financial donations as well as donations of baby items, especially diapers and baby wipes. All clothing donations must be for small children (up to 2T) and must be new or clean and gently used. If you are making an individual donation of items, please call several days in advance to schedule a donation drop-off.

Perhaps your parish or school might consider hosting a Diaper Drive? Catholic Charities will provide “ready to go” flyers for bulletins and will arrange the pick-up of large parish/school bulk collections of diapers and baby wipes. Please call either the Lenoir or Winston-Salem office to explore offering such assistance.

Please note that furniture (such as cribs, mattresses) and baby seats are not distributed and are not sought as donated items.