Refugee Resettlement

Catholic Charities welcomes newly arrived refugee families to the Charlotte area. Refugees are victims of war, political upheaval, religious, economic, or ethnic persecution. They are forced to leave homes, families, friends, jobs, and possessions to stay alive. Most flee to neighboring countries, where they are confined to refugee camps for many years. A fortunate few have an opportunity to resettle in other countries, often far from their homeland and with many challenges like language barriers, culture differences, different job opportunities, and educational requirements. 

Refugee Resettlement Volunteer Opportunities

Catholic Charities Refugee Resettlement Program provides services to help refugees adapt to their adopted homeland by becoming self-sustaining and productive community members. The primary goal of the resettlement process is to help refugees achieve self-sufficiency within the first 120-180 days after their arrival and, eventually, attain their citizenship.

We offer the following services to newly arrived refugees: 

  • Pre-arrival arrangements 
  • Airport reception 
  • Temporary housing 
  • Food, furniture, and other basic necessities 
  • Connection with similar refugee communities 
  • Job placement 
  • Referrals to social service agencies and English as a Second Language classes 
  • Initial health screening care referrals 
  • School registration 
  • Social Security applications 
  • Community and cultural orientation 
  • Financial education 
  • Interpretation services 
  • Transportation to initial appointments 

Catholic Charities remains dedicated to delivering comprehensive case management and employment services to refugees for up to five years within the country. This support encompasses a range of services, including aid in obtaining DMV IDs or driver’s licenses, driving training, advancement in employment, recertification of benefits, provision of food and other donations, guidance on taxes and insurance, referrals for higher education, connections to community organizations and services, and assistance or referrals related to immigration matters.

The committed staff at Catholic Charities continues to guide refugees in their pursuit of self-sufficiency and successful integration into the community. Volunteers are needed! Learn about current opportunities.

With the support of Catholic Charities, refugees thrive as valuable contributors to their communities and the local economy—the majority of eligible adults secure employment within an impressive timeframe of three to five months. Achieving financial independence typically occurs within two to three years, and a significant percentage—ranging from 60% to 75%—ultimately realize the dream of homeownership. Furthermore, many refugees go on to pursue diverse professions, becoming successful business owners, athletes, carpenters, dentists, doctors, dressmakers, engineers, interpreters, landscapers, nuns, nurses, pharmacists, pastors, students in baccalaureate programs, tailors, teachers, and woodworkers. This multifaceted success underscores the positive impact of Catholic Charities in facilitating the integration and prosperity of refugees in their new communities.