Volunteer in Winston-Salem

Thank you for being so interested in volunteering at Catholic Charities in Winston-Salem. We are fortunate to have a very active and dedicated volunteer team that helps us provide many needed programs in our community.

There are several ways to make a difference. For more details about the programs below, please get in touch with LeiLanie D’Agostino at LMDAgostino@ccdoc.org or 336-714-3213.

To begin registration, please complete our online volunteer application.

Catholic Charities Volunteer Ambassadors

We recruit volunteers to represent Catholic Charities at local parish events and educate the community about our mission and services. The time commitment is flexible, and training will be provided.

Food Pantry

Catholic Charities offers a weekly food pantry to anyone in need of assistance. Volunteers assist in many different ways. For example, they help organize and stock shelves with food items, accept donations, help customers select items, and carry groceries for those in need.

Current volunteer opportunities are:

  • Organizing the food pantry: Sort food on shelves (flexible schedule)

  • Client interviews: Meet with clients face-to-face and process food requests on Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Wednesdays between 1:30-4:30 p.m., and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m.-noon.

  • Food collection: Work within the community to organize food drives and arrange collection (flexible schedule).

  • Packers: Pack food for distribution on Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Wednesdays from 1:30-4:30 p.m., and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m.-noon.

  • Shoppers: We provide the funds and the list. You provide the effort and time to shop for the food pantry (flexible schedule).

Office Support

  • Meet and greet visitors, answer phones, and perform clerical work. We offer flexible schedules Monday-Friday between 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. We especially need bilingual volunteers.

  • Work on special mailings that occur several times per year (flexible schedule).

Wee Care Shoppe

  • Meet and greet clients in reception Thursday mornings or Tuesday afternoons. We especially need bilingual volunteers.

  • Meet with clients face-to-face and help them shop Thursday mornings or Tuesday afternoons.

Elder Ministry

Our elder ministry programs hold day-long events, such as the Spring Fling and Days of Reflection, held at various locations throughout the Diocese. Volunteers are needed for the event planning committee, administrative tasks (like mailings, folding the programs, and arranging the name tags), event setup, check-in, food prep, and cleanup.

Contact Sandra Breakfield at sabreakfield@ccdoc.org or call 704-370-3220.