
This is the website of Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte. This privacy policy may be updated from time to time without prior notice.

Our physical address is:
Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte
1123 South Church Street
Charlotte, NC 28203-4003

Our telephone number is 704-370-3262.

If you wish to contact us or request that you not receive emails from us, our email address is:


It is the policy of Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte to use its best efforts to respect the privacy of website visitors. It is our practice not to gather domain names and email addresses (whenever possible) of visitors to our website. Any personal information (e.g., name, mailing address, telephone number, age, parish, email address) provided by a website visitor is considered to have been provided voluntarily and may be used by Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte. Information gathered from website visitors is used to track website visits and pages accessed or viewed. In addition, this information may be used at the discretion of Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte. We do not sell, loan, or share email addresses or website visitor information with entities other than the Catholic Diocese of Charlotte. The only exceptions to this practice are: (1) email addresses or visitor information may be viewed by authorized personnel and vendors hosting this website or providing technology assistance to Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte; and (2) email addresses or visitor information may be shared as required by law.

Links to Third Parties

In very limited instances this website may include links to the website of other entities. These links are provided as a resource to our website visitors. Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte does not control images, materials, privacy policies, or the collection of data on these external websites.

Credit Card Information

Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte accepts donations via credit card using encryption and standard industry security procedures. Donations may also be given by calling 704-370-3349.

Ad Servers

Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte does not employ ad servers in our website or development/fundraising efforts.